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How To Prepare For The May Motherhood Minis

How awesome that you've booked in for a May Motherhood Mini session. Here is lots of info so you can prepare...

Preparing your child for the photoshoot

When preparing for the photoshoot, you can show your child example photos of what the photoshoot will look like.

I will also do my best to make it fun, relaxing and special for everyone. You can explain that a lady called Liz is going to take some beautiful photos of everyone. That is me in the photo above with my gorgeous girls. Bonus tip: if you always refer to the photoshoot as something that is going to be really fun, it is more likely to be a great experience.

What do you need to bring?

Most importantly, a nice relaxed mood for you and the kids alike. There is no need to stress if a child is shy at the start or if anyone has a tantrum at any point. We will pull out all the tricks.

Other things to bring are snacks (ones that don’t cause stains) and a comfort item if your child has one. Try to hide the item at first and only bring it out if we really need it.

For some children, it can be very helpful to have an extra incentive to be on their best behaviour. My go-to bribe for my own kids is chocolate, and others have used a trip to a cafe or ice cream shop as a reward for after the shoot. Same as with the comfort items, don't show them or tell them about the bribe until it's time to use it.

How should you dress for the shoot?

I have a blog post called What to Wear For Your Photoshoot. There is lots of advice here, especially when it comes to coordinating clothes with siblings/family.

Definitely worth a read! Feel free to ask my advice over messenger or even show up with multiple options so I can help you decide what would look best in the photos.

What if you can't make it (on time)?

If you find that you won't be able to make it or you think your child might be cranky/hungry during that time, just send me a message as soon as you figure that out and we can try and slot you in for a different time or date. Trying to take photos of a child who is unhappy before the photoshoot even begins can make it harder for you, me and your kid - so I really don't mind juggling the schedule for us to have the best experience.

For most shoots, I don't mind if people are a bit late (better than showing up super stressed because you were trying to get there on time), but mini sessions don't have as much wriggle room, so I advise you to leave the house as early as you can.

Also, if anyone is sick, please postpone as we don't want to put anyone at risk. Postponing or cancelling the shoot is absolutely fine with me, you don't need to clarify your reason. There are no costs involved, but I do ask that you get in touch with me as soon as you can.

What happens during the shoot?

The first thing we will do is go up to the studio and just see how everyone is doing. If any of the kids are shy and need some time to warm up, then that is all good. I have scheduled the photoshoots with plenty of time in between so everyone gets a fair chance to get the full time of actual photoshoot.

If you are doing the May Motherhood Mini, we have 10 minutes of shoot time and we will spend this on photos of mum with kids, and mum with each kid separately (if there is more than one child).

If you have chosen the May Motherhood Mini Plus, we have 20 minutes of shoot time and we would usually start with the family photo. Next up would be mum with kids, and mum with each kid separately. Siblings photos and individual photos are usually last, but it's also possible that I will mix it up in case I see that one of the kids needs a break at some point.

What happens after the shoot?

I will edit the photos within 48 hours and send a link for you to view the photos. You can let me know about anything that might need to be re-edited or any other concerns you might have. The photos will have watermarks on them at this point, but the final photos won't.

Once you are happy with the photos I will send a little invoice with all the payment info to you or to the person who gifted you the photoshoot. When I see the payment has come through, I send the high-resolution unwatermarked files through WeTransfer. You get all the photos, so no need to choose.

Sharing the photos

If you've said 'yes' to sharing on my business socials, I will end you my picks for photos I would love to share on my FB/Instagram/website and you can let me know if that is all good. You can still choose at that point to keep the photos private instead. You are welcome to share the photos yourself, and you are allowed to have the photos printed at your preferred printing place.

You are now all set to show up for your mini session! If you have any questions, or if you have found your way here but haven't booked yet, get in touch with me now.

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